Cannon Falls Allocates Cares Act Funds
The Cannon Falls City Council Tuesday night held their regular meeting at City Hall. Mayor John Althoff says they adopted an ordinance to establish a Park Advisory Board. The Council also approved a CARES Act agreement with Goodhue County. The City agrees to water the flower baskets downtown next year.
Althoff says they approved how they are going to distribute the CARES Act dollars from the federal government. Cannon Falls received $310,000. "We're giving $30,000 to the school. $25,000 in small business grants. $5,000 for PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) expenses but most of it's going to go to tech updates."
Althoff added, "At City Hall, Fire Department, Police Department and the Waste Treatment Plant. New radios for fire and police. We're going to update a server at City Hall and all the software that goes with it. A big upgrade in software at the Waste Treatment Plant."
The Cannon Falls Mayor says the City Council was very happy to pass a preliminary tax levy with a zero percent increase in the city tax levy The preliminary city budget is $3,201,739. The public hearing will be December 1, 2020 with public adoption set for December 15, 2020.
Althoff commented, "The zero percent increase for 2021 includes in the budget a 1% increase in COLA (Cost-of-Living Adjustment). Health insurance premiums increase by 6.6%. We re-organized the Finance Department at City Hall which has resulted in about $100,000 dollars in savings."
He added, "A reduction in one administration position in the Police Department is mostly responsible in a savings of $115,000 dollars in their budget. Janitorial budget was reduced to part time. We will continue to work with CEDA (Community and Economic Development Associates) for our EDA (Economic Development Authority). We refinanced our street improvement bonds. Our bond payments will go down about $161,000 next year so that'll really help."
"There will be no increase in water and sewer rates. We're going to hold the line on that for 2021."
The Cannon Falls Mayor also stated a parking change is being made on Mill Street downtown. There will be parallel parking on the south side of the street ( in front of the winery). Diagonal parking will continue on the north side.
Althoff says, "We have a traffic problem there and I think this will help a lot."
The Council also approved making some improvements at the swimming pool. Fixing some broken pipes, patching and painting so the pool will be in good shape for 2021.
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