Around 70 percent of the corn Brazil produces is called safrinha or second crop corn planted after beans. Yes, with Brazil so close to the equator they can produce two crops every year. Typically they have not planted a lot of safrinha corn because the normal rainfall patterns turn much dryer later in the season. The last few growing seasons farmers in Brazil have expanded safrinha acres of corn dramatically. It has turned out well because rainfall has been above normal!

Is this the year when the weather turns more normal which is dryer? I read in the Pro Farmer weekly Newsletter that the forecast from early February through April calls for above normal temperatures and below normal rainfall. Will this finally be the spark U.S. farmers need for a corn and soybean rally? With 11 million acres of corn and 5.5 million soybean acres that did not get planted last year can not get a rally will dryer weather in Brazil?


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