Virtual National FFA Convention and Expo
The National FFA Organization announced that the 2020 National FFA Convention in October will be held virtually. Mark Poeschl CEO of National FFA said "as we continued to plan for our National Convention, it became clear that travel restrictions and public health concerns, among many other pandemic-related challenges, made our in person event impossible in 2020."
Kristy Meyer National FFA Marketing and Communications director told me that the final decision was delayed as long as possible. However, when you consider all the hotel housing, transportation and volunteers with a convention of this size, they needed to get started with registrations. After talking with many State FFA Organizations and many individual FFA Chapters around the Country there was no question the right decision was change the Convention to virtual.
Kristy said around the middle of August they will have many more details of how the 2020 National FFA Convention and all the events will be organized. It is hard to explain what it is like to be at the National FFA Convention with all the excitement of tens of thousands of FFA members in blue jackets. It will not be the same as being there but there is always next year!