Virtual Commodity Classic
It was not a surprise this week when I received an email news release from the National Corn Growers Association that the Commodity Classic would be held virtually this year. Going to the Commodity Classic some year is on my "to do" list one of these years. It is a huge convention with educational seminars, trade show and business meetings. The Commodity Classic is put on annual by the National Corn growers Association, American Soybean Association, National Association of Wheat Growers, Association of equipment Manufacturers, and the National sorghum Producers Association.
This year the virtual Commodity Classic will be held in the first week of March, 2021. All of those organizations came together to establish the convention in 1996. This will be the first year since then there will not be a traditional Commodity Classic. "This is about doing the right thing for our farmers, exhibitors, stakeholders, and the broader community in terms of health and safety-which is out top priority" said Anthony Bush, who is a corn farmer from Ohio. It is nice to see the date for the next Commodity Classic, March 10-12, 2122 in2020.
Maybe things can get to the normal in person Commodity Classic next year in 2022? It will be in New Orleans. It will still likely be cold in Minnesota but I am certain it will be warm in new Orleans. Maybe next year I should plan on attending the Commodity Classic?