The University of Minnesota Extension's Strategic Farming Series: Field Notes begin Wednesday May 11, 2022. This is a weekly webinar that includes an interactive discussion with farmers and University of Minnesota Extension specialists on timely topics that come up during the growing season. Topics could include nitrogen and other fertility issues, weeds, insects, weather, equipment, planting depth in cold soils and others.


"The Field Notes program is designed for farmers and agricultural professionals as a weekly webinar program addressing all your crop related questions in real time in an interactive discussion based format." After the program it will be posted immediately if you could not listen or participate live. Then you can listen when you have time at your convenience.


If you have questions contact Dave Nicolai Extension Educator Crops at the Farmington Regional Extension office or email Dave at: There is no cost for the Field Notes webinars but you do need to pre-register to receive the webinar link.

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