Many people trust TripAdvisor when planning trips. Travelers use the website for determining which hotel to stay at, where to eat and also to help find things to do in the area of their destination. With reviews posted by people who have visited that location, some feel it gives an insider perspective of that destination. I thought it would be interesting to see what TripAdvisor listed as the top things to do in our area. This time, we'll explore the listings for Owatonna.

  • Museum540 via TripAdvisor
    Museum540 via TripAdvisor

    RAD Zoo

    The RAD (Reptile Amphibian Discovery) Zoo claimed the first-place slot with 37 TripAdvisor reviews. The RAD Zoo is home to more than 150 varieties of turtles, snakes, frogs, salamanders and even an alligator.

  • Museum540 via TripAdvisor
    Museum540 via TripAdvisor

    State School Orphanage Museum

    History buffs will enjoy checking out the museum, which has a five-star rating on TripAdvisor. Explore the history of the State School Orphanage that housed more than 10,000 kids from 1886 until 1945. The campus is now home to the Little Theatre of Owatonna, the Owatonna Arts Center, city offices and the museum.

  • Dave K. via TripAdvisor
    Dave K. via TripAdvisor

    Mineral Springs Park

    Coming in as the third most popular thing to do in Owatonna, Mineral Springs Park has outdoor fun for the whole family. There is a statue of Princess Owatonna, a man-made waterfall, and horseshoe courts, sand volleyball and picnic shelters.

  • JohnTheBear via TripAdvisor
    JohnTheBear via TripAdvisor

    Prairie School Bank

    Originally built as a National Farmer's Bank, and now home to a national chain bank, the Prairie School Bank is a beautiful structure in downtown Owatonna. The bank was designed by Louis Sullivan, mentor to Frank Lloyd Wright and "father of skyscrapers."

  • Dave K. via TripAdvisor
    Dave K. via TripAdvisor

    Village of Yesteryear

    Rolling in at No. 5 on TripAdvisor's list of things to do in Owatonna is the Village of Yesteryear. Boasting 19 structures including two log cabins, a railroad station, blacksmith shop and more, the Village of Yesteryear is sure to be an interesting stop for history enthusiasts.

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