Today is World Food Day
Today, October 16th is World Food Day. it is celebrated around the world in honor of the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations in 1945. World Food Day was established by FAO's Member Countries at the Organizations 20th General Conference in 1979. It was the Hungarian Delegation with the leadership of the Hungarian Minister of Agriculture and Food Dr. Pal Romany that played an active role and suggested the idea of celebrating World Food Day.
World Food Day is celebrated in over 150 countries with the goal of raising awareness of the issues behind poverty and hunger. The theme this year is "our actions are our future." World Food Day has been recognized in the United States since 1982. It is sponsored by more than 450 national, private voluntary organizations.
We are so fortunate in the United States that there is an abundance of affordable food, and social programs to help those that cannot afford food. Unfortunately there are still many families even in the United States that do not have food security.