Swine Barn Rafters are Up at the Rice County Fairgrounds
Here maybe is another sign the Rice County Fair will be here soon! Actually the Rice County Fair is about two and a half weeks away and I am sure in a couple days the steel will be on the newest addition to the Rice County Fairgrounds, the new swine barn! You can see in the picture the height of the sidewalls is much higher than the sheep barn which will allow for better storage options in the offseason.
Rice County Fair Manager John Dvorak said on KDHL's AM Minnesota Program that funds were available from one of the CARE's acts. The deadline to use them or lose the funds had been extended for a year and now the deadline was approaching. John was able to do some additional fund raising and now it is great to see we will have another new building on the Rice County Fairgrounds.
The interior of the new swine barn may not be finished by the Fair this year though. The plan is to purchase portable pens that can be put together for the fair and then taken apart to allow for campers, boats, cars, motorcycles and other winter storage items. I believe there is plenty of room in the sheep barn for all of the pigs that will be at the Rice County Fair this year. See you at the Rice County Fair July 21, 2021 through July 25, 2021!
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