Soil Health Scholarships Available
The Minnesota Office for Soil Health is offering scholarships to farmers planting cover crops and using reduced tillage. Management practices like reduced tillage and cover crops are assumed to improve soil health, yields and the financial status of a farm . However, there is little data to support that assumption.
To try and get more information and data the Minnesota Office for Soil Health is offering the scholarships to farmers enrolled in the Farm Business Management Program. This will produce real farm data in the FINBIN. This can then be analyzed to compare soil management systems.
It you are already enrolled in the Farm Business Management Program the scholarship will pay 5 percent of the tuition. If you are not enrolled in the Farm Business Management Program the scholarship will pay 50 percent of the tuition. The Minnesota Office for Soil Health will pay the balance directly to the Farm Business Management institution for up to 2 years. For more information contact your local University of Minnesota Extension office.