Sign Up Deadline For Farm Bill June 30, 2020
In a news release the USDA reported a little over 1.4 million farmers have signed up for the new Farm Bill. Farmers who have not signed up for the Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) or Price Loss Coverage (PLC) for 2020 they have until June 30, 2020 to do so. Call your local Farm Service Agency office and ask for an appointment. Remember, when you sign up you are enrolling for the 2020 crop year and retroactively for the 2019 crop year.
"The Agriculture Risk Coverage and Price Loss Coverage Programs are critical safety-net programs for farmers, helping producers weather market distortions resulting from natural disasters, trade disruptions and, this year, a pandemic," said Farm Service Agency Administrator Richard Fordycc. Farmers that who do not enroll by the July 30, 2020 deadline will not be eligible for a payment if one is earned for the 2019 or 2020 crop years.
A few weeks ago Ag analyst Kent Thiesse from Lake Crystal was projecting a payment for the 2019 crop year if farmers signed up for Price Loss Coverage on corn and Agriculture Risk Coverage on their beans. We did not think there was much of a chance of corn and soybean dropping to the point of earning a payment for 2019. Well, that was the thought until the COVID-19 pandemic hit!