Show Me the Green Economics of Soil Health
Show Me the Green Economics of Soil Health is the title of a program that will be held on Thursday February 27, 2020 at Farmamerica. Farmamerica is located just west of Waseca at 7367 360th Avenue, Waseca, 56093. This event is part of the 2020 I-90 Soil Health Tour. It is sponsored by the Waseca SWCD, Blue Earth Soil and Water, NRCS, and the Clean Water Land and Legacy.
Registration begins at 8:30 and the program runs from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. here will be a number of speakers and a farmer panel to wrap up in the afternoon. Lunch is provided and there is no charge to attend. RSVP's are requested so call 507-835-4800 x3 or email:
Waseca Soil and Water Conservation District and Natural Resources Conservation Service staff will be there to answer questions about programs and projects available in the area.