Serving Up A ‘Whoopin’? Chef LaBeau Calls Out Opponents Before Weekend Match
Faribault's Chef Jeff LaBeau, is serving up more than just food in a recent promotional video for Midwest All-Star Wrestling's upcoming Invasion show coming to the American Legion this weekend in Faribault. LaBeau calls out the MAW's tag team "Bad Role Models" after they showed up at The Depot in Faribault, looking for Jeff, in an attempt to intimidate the culinary crusher.
LaBeau told the Bad Role Models that he had something 'special brewing' for them when they step into the American Legion Saturday night.
LaBeau was responding to the tag-team after they reportedly showed up unannounced looking for Chef LaBeau Tuesday night.
The tag team didn't last long inside The Depot after putting their hands on the bartender, they were asked to leave. The tag-team made the most of their time inside the restaurant, they complained about the food, and didn't hold back going after Faribault's Chef LaBeau.
The videos are just the lead into the Invasion event this Saturday at the American Legion when LaBeau is expected to come out to the ring with the MAW Tag-Team champions the Hitmakerz, Rampage Santana & Lil N8, as they defend their titles against the tag team of The Bad Role Models.
It remains to be seen if Chef LaBeau will actually see any ring time on Saturday, but if these videos are any indication it certainly seems like all parties involved are looking to better one another at least in terms of the promotion of the title bout.
Event information can be found here.
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