Second Half Farm Real Estate Taxes Due Today
The second half of farm real estate taxes are due every fall on November 15. When the 15th falls on a weekend as it did this year you have until the next business day to get them in the mail and postmarked without having to pay the late penalty. Homes, commercial and other real estate property the second half of taxes are due October 15th. It was quite some time ago, I think during the farm crisis of the 1980's that the Minnesota Legislature changed the due date a month later to make it easier for farmers to pay the taxes.
By the way if you miss the deadline you will be assessed a later fee. A number of years ago I was in Kansas City for the Farm Broadcasters Convention and I realized it was the 15th of November. The weather had not been cooperating, it was a late harvest and I forgot to send the real estate taxes. I had to pay the late penalty but at least my name was not published later for delinquent real estate taxes! So, if you have not paid the second half of your farm real estate taxes get them in the mail today!
DON'T FORGET: 7 Tips to Never Forget Someone's Name Again