Here's a look at some of the events coming up at River Bend Nature Center in Faribault.

The teams are all set for the second annual Nature Trivia Bee set for Thursday, March 10. The public is invited to stop in free and watch the competition. Questions will include categories such as weather, reptiles, birds and more. The trivia starts at 7PM. Donations will be accepted.

March 16 is the date for the River Bend Older, Wiser, Livelier, Seniors or OWLS program. It begins at noon and will feature seasonal naturalist Dylan Kelly as he talks about the stars and constellations. The program fee is $12 per person, or $10 if you've a River Bend member.

Later on the 16th the Restoration Club will meet at 3PM. Participants go outside to see restoration techniques demonstrated. Topics have included the removal of invasive plant species such as honeysuckle, wild parsnip and more. The group regularly meets the third Wednesday of each month.

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