Rice County Veterans Memorial Signage Approved
The Rice County Board of Commissioners this morning approved the contract for signage at the Rice County Veterans Memorial on the north lawn of the courthouse in Faribault. Six bids were received and a Faribault firm specializing in historic building preservation projects had the low bid of $29,980.
A grant from the Minnesota Legislature was awarded to complete the signage at the Rice County Veterans Memorial in Faribault. Restoration Services, Inc.,of Faribault submitted the low bid. The construction firm has completed a number of projects around the community including renovation work at Buckham Library, Fleckenstein Building, Minnesota State Academy for the Deaf, Shattuck, Faribault City Hall, Paradise Center for the Arts and others.
According to the quote form the project will be completed by October 15 of this year. As I understand it the sign will be placed inside the hill. Vold Architects provided the County Board with a picture depicting what the sign will look like. Parks and Facilities Director Jake Rysavy provided us with a copy of the signage.