Rice County Salvation Army has Urgent Need for Bell Ringers
The Rice County Salvation Army is in urgent need of bell ringers for this year's Red Kettle Campaign.
Co-Chair of the campaign Ed Little and his wife Gina will be joining us on today's KDHL AM Minnesota program to go over specific information.
Rice County Sheriff Troy Dunn is the other Co-Chair.
I've been a bell ringer for a number of years and have done the Christmas Eve ringing because I have no place to go for Christmas and feel families should be together so I'll ring bells.
It's truly been a blessing to me.
I see lots of people I know and get to spread some Christmas cheer.
I would highly recommend it.
Just two hour shifts are usually scheduled.
I have also volunteered to take a shift for the Faribault Lions Club and in past years for my church.
A few years ago I rang bell in Lonsdale and that was a pleasant experience also.
If you would like to ring bells the Kettle Hotline is 507-334-0639 and that number works for Faribault, Lonsdale or Northfield bell ringing signup.
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