Representatives Megan Proft and Ken Kengas with the Rice County Habitat for Humanity chapter will be on KDHL at 9:30AM today.

The chapter's Raise the Roof fundraiser is this Sunday at the Faribault American Legion. The event features dinner, a silent and dessert auction, live music and more. Tickets are $25 each and are available by calling Megan at (507) 744-2933. Your name will be placed on a list and you can pick them up at the door and pay for them then, or you can purchase tickets through any Rice County Habitat Board member.

Social hour begins at 5:30PM.

The meal will be a traditional turkey dinner with gravy, potatoes, vegetables, stuffing and a roll. Coffee and water are included. The Legion bar will be open for people to purchase drinks.

If you have spare change around the house, bring it because new this year is the House of Change, a donation box to collect spare coins.

A 2012 Rice County housing study was conducted by Community Partners Research Inc. of Faribault. Their report stated Rice County's median household income in 2010 was $57,270, which is a 23 percent increase from 2000 and about $900 higher than the state median income.

Households in Lonsdale had the highest median average, $65,494, and households in Faribault the lowest, $45,324.

Rice County Habitat for Humanity Dinner 2015 photo provided by Rice County Habitat chapter
Rice County Habitat for Humanity Dinner 2015 photo provided by Rice County Habitat chapter

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