Resources For Financial Stress On Farms
The University of Minnesota Extension has compiled a list of resources for farm families experiencing financial stress during this period of low commodity prices. Stress in farming goes with the occupation as you do not have control over the weather or equipment breakdowns. The stress is much worse or compounded when you see that the crop you are harvesting times the price will not cover the expenses and operating loan.
Some of the resources include: The University of Minnesota Extension offers free one on one counseling for farmers experiencing financial stress. Call the Farm information line at 1-800-232-9077
The Minnesota Farm Advocates program has been supported by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture since 1984. Farm Advocates help farmers understand lender policies, mediation, tax laws, USDA Farm Service Agency loan programs and other government programs. There is no charge or fee.
The University of Minnesota Extension has developed a Farm Finance website that has many tools for managing farm business.
Finally there is the University of Minnesota Extension Farmer-Lender Mediation that provides trained neutral mediators that work to find solutions to financial issues between farmers and their lenders.
There are many other resources available including Crisis and personal counseling. Contact the University of Minnesota Extension Service.