Pork and Transport Quality Certifications Scheduled
Processors in Minnesota require pork Producers be certified in Pork Quality Assurance every three years. In addition all pork producers or anyone that transport pigs must be certified every three years in Transport Quality Assurance. Are certifications are free thanks to the Minnesota Pork Board that has allocated Pork check-off dollars.
Pork and Transport Quality Certifications "are part of the industry-aligned We Care responsible pork initiative which establishes ethical principles for pork producers to produce safe food, protect and promote animal well-being, protect public health, safeguard natural resources, provide a safe work environment and contribute to a better quality of life for their communities.
Dianne DeWitte University of Minnesota Swine Extension Educator said they have been able to get many pork producers set up to do the certifications online. However, a number were just not able to do so for a variety of reasons. So, special permission has been given for the three sessions with restrictions. The numbers will be restricted for social distancing and you must pre-register. No walk ins will be allowed.
One session will be held on Wednesday, July 15 at the AmericInn in Marshal, another Wednesday, July 22 at the Minnesota Pork Board Office in Mankato and the final an evening session on Wednesday, July 29 at the Minnesota Pork Board office in Mankato. To register call the Minnesota Pork Board office at 800-537-7675 or email: colleen@mnpork.com
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