Open Seat On Rice County SWCD Board of Supervisors
It seemed a little unusual just after an election to receive a new release about an open position on the Rice County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) Board of Supervisors. The open position is for District 3 in Rice County including the townships of Cannon City, Wheeling, Walcott and Richland. The person who is appointed will serve through December 31.2022. So, why was this seat open right after the election?
Jim Purfeerst was serving District 1 on the Rice County SWCD Board of Supervisors. However, Jim was elected as a Rice County Commissioner in District 1 so he is stepping down from the Rice County SWCD Board of Supervisors. "Individuals concerned about water quality and soil erosion in Rice County should consider serving as a District Supervisor." If you would like more information or would like to serve call the Rice County SWCD at 507-332-5408 by December 18, 2020.