Northfield Deputy Chief Says Community Obeying Governor’s Order
Northfield Police Deputy Chief Mark Elliott says residents of the community have done a good job of complying with the Governor's stay home order to far. Elliott informed listeners of the Professional Pride Realty of Northfield community update program on KDHL that, "We do have pretty good compliance at this point."
Elliott adds, "We've probably been averaging about 10 calls a day with people reporting what they thought were violations of the Governor's emergency declaration."
We asked if any citations had been issued, his response, "We have not written any citations. We've talked to our officers before this went into effect on the 27th of March and talked to them about our goal being compliance with this order. So even though it's a misdemeanor level crime to violate the order and that is something that people can be arrested for, or cited for, really that goal of compliance means that education is our preferred method of enforcing it."
Elliott shared that most calls have been from people saying the stay home order was being violated by people because they were in parks. "Or on playground equipment. Those are not violations. In the Governor's order it does talk about the need for people to stay six feet apart but actually outdoor activities are encouraged by the Governor's order because we want people getting outside. Getting some exercise, getting out of the house. They need to do it in a safe way."
I thought the Governor's order did include staying off playground equipment but Elliott says, "The Governor's order does not close playground equipment. That's up to individual communities."
The Northfield Deputy Chief was accurate with his answer. The following is a direct quote from the Governor's website in answer to the question if kids can play on playground equipment.
"Like other outdoor activities, going to a playground is allowed under the stay at home order. Families and guardians should be careful to ensure children wash hands after touching play structures and maintain six feet of space from other children as much as possible. Although the Governor’s order doesn’t close playgrounds, they may be closed by local authorities."