National FFA Week Classroom Visit
National FFA week was a lot of fun but also very busy. On Thursday morning Paul took over on the air for me at 7:00 so I could talk with Lori Pagel's Intro to Ag Class at the Kasson Mantorville High School at 8:00. I talked with the students about what I do and all the career opportunities in our big field of food and agriculture. There are a lot of jobs and careers providing all the inputs and services farmers need tp produce crops and livestock!
One of the students asked me a question, looking back to when I was involved in the FFA in high school until today, what would I do differently? Maybe it is a sign I am getting older because I have thougt about my life and what would I do differently if I could? I responded I wish I had not be so afraid of failure!
I think many of us are afraid to try new things because we are afraid of not being successful. This is what is so great about the FFA and Career Development Events (CDE's) or as I still call them judging contests. FFA members with the help of their Ag Teacher and Advisor can try many different things until they find their passion.
FFA members are not always successful in what they try. Sometimes they do fail, but they learn that that is okay too. They learn to work harder to be successful or they realize I do not enjoy this, so lets try something else !