Move Over For Emergency Vehicles: It’s The Law
There are a couple of pet peeves I have about other people's driving. First is the people refuse to turn on their headlights when it's raining or snowing or foggy. That's the law. You need to do that. Some people have said, "Why should I? It won't help me see any better." You need to do it so others see you.
The other thing is people that don't move over for emergency vehicles. Either those following behind them or those parked along the side of the road. I have friends in law enforcement and in the towing industry. Because people refuse or forget to pull over, it's just another thing that puts their lives in jeopardy.
Northwest Cable Channel 12 put out this video with the help of the Minnesota Sate Patrol to help educate all of us on what to do.
So move over and get out of the way of what could be, especially in the small towns, your friends and neighbors, risking their lives and just trying to do their jobs
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