Minnesota Firefighters Perform CPR and Save Twin Fawns
Some firefighters in Andover and Oak Grove, MN were heroes yesterday afternoon! But they didn't save a human, they actually saved twin fawns.
"CPR isn't just for humans," the Andover Fire Department said on their Facebook page. According to the Facebook post, the two fawns were trapped in the water when members of the Oak Grove fire department came across them. The Andover fire department was called to come help.
It appears that the fawns are ok! Thank goodness these firefighters acted quickly.
If you don't know CPR, there are plenty of places that you can get trained in. The Red Cross offers CPR classes and you can take them online. You can find those classes HERE. And Twin Cities HeartCert also offers CPR classes. You can find their upcoming classes HERE.
Hang out with Carly Ross on The Mighty 920 KDHL weekdays 1-5pm!