Minnesota Correctional Facility Faribault No Covid Positives Yet
The Minnesota Department of Health website today included a table outlining the testing of inmates and staff at the state's correctional facilities. The Faribault Correctional Facility has approximately 1,928 prisoners.
There have been 12 "patients tested" with 0 "confirmed positive" at the Minnesota Correctional Facility in Faribault.
The table of information containing Test Data for Incarcerated People.
The two facilities with the most confirmed positives are Willow River (45) and Moose Lake (33).
The facilities with the most patients tested is St. Cloud with 85, Moose Lake 74, Willow River 61 and Red Wing-Youth with 44.
The total tested is 334 with 79 confirmed positive, 232 confirmed negative and 42 tests pending. The data also lists 38 cases are presumed positive.
Self-reported test data for staff in Minnesota Prisons also has no positives in Faribault. Moose Lake had 29 staff confirmed positive to date. Next Willow River with 4.
Visiting has been suspended at all Minnesota prisons "until further notice."
The Minnesota Department of Health reminds us, "While many COVID-19 cases seem to be mild to moderate with symptoms similar to colds and flu, some cases may be more severe. People who think they may have been exposed to COVID-19 should contact their healthcare provider before going into the clinic. Share with them your symptoms as well as any travel history or other information about potential COVID-19 exposure.