Minnesota Corn Growers at Farmfest
Today is the first day of Farmfest by Red Wood Falls. The forecast was changed to a 50 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms but it is supposed to be partly sunny. So, it sounds like any rain will move through quickly. At least it will not be really hot. While you are at Farmfest be sure to stop in at the Minnesota Corn Growers tent.
I am quite certain there will be discussions on exports, ethanol, the Renewable Fuel Standard, tariffs and the trade war just to name a few topics. But there also will be an emphasis on a new theme of the Minnesota Corn Growers, Minnesota Corn Grows Minnesota. The idea is to draw attention to what Minnesota Corn means to Minnesota's overall economy.
When you consider all the economic activity of planting and growing a corn crop, Minnesota corn provides a lot of jobs and economic activity over and above the actual value of the corn produced. Yes, corn provides a lot more than food!