Minnesota Beef Expo October 17-20
The Minnesota Beef Expo is coming up Thursday October17 through October 20, 2019 in the Lee & Rose Warner Coliseum on the Minnesota State Fairgrounds. This is a great annual event that attracts youth participants from all across the Midwest. Admission is free and it is open to the public. The Beef Expo showcases the best beef breeders including Angus, British White Park, Charolais, Herford, Limousin, Herford, Shorthorn, Simmental and South Devon.
Ever year there is a featured breed and this year it is the Herford. The Herford breed was founded by farmers in Herefordshire, England. Herfords were brought to the U.S. in 1817. The first breeding herd began in 1940. The Herford Breeders are very active in the U.S. with a growing membership.
The Minnesota Beef Expo is coordinated by the Minnesota State Fair and receives financial support from beef industry organizations and producers as a way to promote youth involvement. For a listing and schedule of all activities go to the web site mnbeefexpo.com.