Yesterday afternoon Medford Public Schools were put into a 'soft' lockdown sometime between 1 and 1:30 in the afternoon according to an emailed response from Medford Public Schools Superintendent Mark Ristau. Students were dismissed at the normal time of 3:05 p.m. after it was determined by Steele County authorities that the building was safe. 

The soft lockdown was put in place after a message was found 'scribbled' on a wall. Superintendent Ristau stated that the threat was 'a general threat against the school' and that there were not any 'specifics' to that threat.

Superintendent Ristau stated that staff followed the district's protocol and asked for assistance from Steele County. The soft lockdown concerned the entire building as the district houses it's students in 'one k12 building'.

According to Ristau a 'soft lockdown essentially means students continue their schooling but are not allowed to leave their classrooms.'

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