Markets Closed Monday For Juneteenth
The grain and livestock markets will be closed Monday in recognition of a new Federal Holiday, Juneteenth. It was on June 19, 1865 two months after the end of the Civil War and about two and a half months after the Emancipation Proclamation that hundreds of thousands of enslaved women and men in Texas found out that they had been freed. Juneteenth is the combination of the two words June and 19th. This is the first year it became a Federal Holiday.
Earlier this week Gordy Kralovetz with Chiodo Commodities saw a notice about Juneteenth that there would be no mail delivery for the Federal Holiday. Gordy thought, maybe I better check the CME schedule and found out the markets would be closed Monday. Gordy said I don't think a lot of traders realized we have a long weekend coming up! The markets close at the normal time today. The grain markets will be closed until 7:00 pm Monday evening for the overnight session and the livestock markets will reopen normal time Tuesday morning.
This is almost like going into the long 4th of July weekend a couple weeks early with the hot and dry weather in the forecast! Remember that this is just a U.S. holiday and the rest of the world will be trading Sunday night and Monday.