Market Schedule For New Years Day
The grain markets will follow a different schedule for New Years Day than for Christmas this year. The CME grain markets will follow a normal schedule for the overnight session tonight and Monday New Years Eve Day. The markets will be closed for the overnight session Monday night New Years Eve and will be closed Tuesday New Years Day. The markets will reopen Wednesday morning at 8:30.
Typically the volume gets pretty thin around holidays and watching the markets are about as exciting as watching paint dry. That may be even more true this year with less information available from the USDA because of the partial government shutdown. There will be no daily sales announcement of a soybean sale to China for example. On the other hand, maybe there would be a rumor or indication that China bought millions of bushels of corn or soybeans.
With the USDA projecting a bean carryover of not far from a billion bushels, we need all the help we can get for higher prices, even a bullish rumor!