Lunchtime Dairy Discussions
Next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday the University of Minnesota Extension Service will be hosting Lunchtime Dairy Discussions. "Come prepared to share ideas, ask questions, and engage in a discussion with other farmers and University of Minnesota Extension Educators." Everyone is invited to participate and there is no charge. You do have to pre-register and you can to that at: discussions.
The topic on Monday August 3, 2020 is Feeding in Hot Weather and Dealing with Forage Shortages. Discussion leaders include Jim Salfer, Issac Salfer, Stach Caughey and Dr. Andy Miller.
Tuesday's topic is Beat the Heat: Strategies to Help Keep Cows Cool. Discussion leaders include Karen Johnson, Kevin Janni, and Jim Sclfer.
Wednesday's topic is Managing Flies on the Dairy. Discussion leaders on the final day include Claire LaCanne, Brad Heine, and Jim Salfer.
After you register you will receive a Zoom link for the series. Plus, if you cannot participate live you will receive the recordings via email. If you have questions email Adam Austing at