[Listen] Tim & Tami Little Rice County Farm Family of the Year
The Tim and Tami Little family have been honored by the University of Minnesota Extension Service as the Rice County Farm Family of the Year. Typically all Farm Familes in Minnesota are invited to a program the final day of Farmfest in the forum tent. With Farmfest canceled this year that did not occur. In addition the Rice County Farm Family of the Year is also recognized at the Rice County Fair during the Best of the Best Rice County Agriculture Hall of Fame Program and that did not happen either.
Working with Extension Educator in Rice and Steele County Claire LaCanne and Rice County Fair Manager John Dvorak we felt we still wanted to honor these deserving farm families rather than just skipping this year. So, Claire, John and I went out to the Little farm to present Tim and Tami with the award and record an interview. Click on the link above and listen to the presentation and learn about the Little's farm.