[Listen] Nitrogen Smart Advanced Deep Dive Into 4 R’s
It was 5 years ago that the Minnesota Corn Growers began funding the Nitrogen Smart Program. The idea was to be proactive and help educate corn farmers on nitrogen use. Corn needs nitrogen but overapplying nitrogen is an additional cost and has environmental concerns with water quality. The idea was if farmers do a better job managing nitrogen maybe there will be fewer regulations.
University of Minnesota Extension Educator Brad Carlson has been working with the Nitrogen Smart Program since the beginning. Brad said more than 1,000 farmers have been certified in the Nitrogen Smart Program. The Nitrogen Smart Program is available on the U of M Extension website so you can watch it whenever you have time. Last year Brad developed the Nitrogen Advanced Deep Dive into the 4 R's as a follow up to the Nitrogen Smart Program which was very popular.
So, the Advanced Program will be offered again this year live on your computer. It is divided into 3 parts March 1, 2021, March 8, 2021 and March 15, 2021. There is no cost thanks again to the Minnesota Corn Growers Association. To watch the program you do need to pre-register to get the Zoom link and you can do that at: z.umn.edu/nitrogensmart. Click on the link and you can listen to Brad discuss the programs!