KDHL Heard In Finland
Every once in a while we get reports of KDHL being heard in other parts of the world. We recently received such a report from someone in Finland and here is what they had to say.
Dear John,
We are writing to you, because we have heard your radio station all the way here in Finland. Surprised? We would highly appreciate receiving your confirmation of our reception.
First something about ourselves. Timo is 48 years old and married and working as a Business Services Expert at regional government office. Timo started to listen to foreign radio stations (we call it "DXing") in 1979.
Patrik is 38 years old and working as a translator for the City of Vaasa. He started DXing in 1992. We both are also ham radio operators (with call signs OH1NOA and OH6GDX).Our setup consisted of 4 Italian Perseus software receivers and the antenna system of 14 1000-meter long wires hanging on the branches of trees. Because of the long antennas and favourable atmospheric conditions we were able to pick up your signal. Our listening position was in Aihkiniemi, Inari, situated some 200 miles North of the Arctic Circle in Lapland, North Finland. We travelled over 12 hours from Southern Finland to reach this place and enjoyed about its excellent radio propagation for a week. Google "Aihkiniemi" for more information about our listening cottage.
We heard your station KDHL Faribault MN on December 17th, 2016, at 03.00 AM CST on the frequency of 920 kHz AM. As a proof of having heard your station, we are enclosing a short MP3 recording of the transmission which we heard. For somewhat clearer reception, please use headphones. Can you recognize it as your station? Is this your station's voice on the radio?
Hearing your station was such an astonishing experience for us that we would greatly appreciate your reply to confirm (by email or mail) that it was indeed your station which we managed to hear.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon,
Patrik Willför, Vaasa
Timo Klimoff, Pori
Just goes to show you never know who's listening when that microphone is open.
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