Jennie-O Turkey Faribault Provides Free Turkeys for Veterans
The Faribault American Legion will be handing out free turkeys courtesy of the Faribault Jennie-O Turkey Store this Wednesday. it just happens to be Veterans Day. You must have identification proving you are a veteran to receive a turkey.
Rice County Central Veterans Association Commander John McDonough and Rice County Sheriff Troy Dunn were on the KDHL AM Minnesota program Monday.
They were giving details about the Wednesday observances at the Rice County Courthouse in Faribault.
McDonough told listeners the American Legion Post 43 of Faribault was given 128 turkeys to give away to local Veterans.
McDonough explained beginning 12:30 p.m. Wednesday, November 11, 2020 Faribault Veterans can drive from the Heritage Drive side facing west to receive their turkey in their vehicle. This is by the front entrance (bar entrance) to the Faribault American Legion.
This is for Faribault Veterans. Again some identification indicating you are a Veteran is necessary to receive the turkey.
I checked with the Kenyon Veterans Honor Guard about Veterans Day observances in Kenyon.
There will be no program at the school or nursing home due to COVID-19 concerns.
The Kenyon Veterans Color Guard has been doing programs for a number of years at those two locations.
Chalk up another event taken by COVID-19.
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