GoFundMe Pages Created to Help Southeast Minnesota Families Impacted by Historic Storm
The weather system that moved through southern Minnesota and parts of Iowa and Wisconsin on Wednesday left behind a trail of destruction. Most people woke up the next day with little to no damage, but there are some dealing with complete devastation.
You can help our neighbors in need by making a donation to GoFundMe. Below you'll read about three families in southeast Minnesota that could use your support right now.

How To Help the Wolfgram Family of Rochester Minnesota
This Rochester family of 5 lost their home, shed, and all of their belongings.
We would like to assist them with food, supplies, rebuilding, and loss of income due to the clean-up and moving efforts that will take place over the upcoming months.
Help The Gardner's from Blooming Prairie
The family's barn was completely ruined. Thankfully, the animals survived, but they need money to build a new shelter. According to GoFundMe, the family has been raising goats for more than 20 years.
"They really do become like family."
The goats will temporarily be housed in a shed on the neighboring land.
Help The Slabaugh Family From Coon Rapids
Gideon and Heather Slabaugh and their 4 daughters lost everything after their house caught on fire during the wind storm.
Gideon and Heather have four little girls; one was just born in November.
According to the fundraising page, "The Slabaughs are in a hotel for at least the next couple weeks while insurance looks for a rental for them, and they don't have a stove or oven in the hotel so will mostly need to eat out for meals."
GoFundMe's team will continue to "identify and verify fundraisers created to help those affected by the storms." When verified new fundraisers will be added to this page. Check GoFundMe's website for more info on how they verify fundraisers during a crisis and protect donors.