
My cell phone said it was 28 degrees when I got up Saturday morning May 9, 2020 at about 3:15. I expected to see my corn with significant frost damage when I went out to the farm. I was pleasantly surprised to see no damage, The corn was just emerging and maybe the soil was warm enough to protect the corn. Last Tuesday morning it was again 28 degrees when I got to the studio. I went out to the farm on Thursday afternoon and this time a saw frost damage!

You can see some of the tips of corn leaves that were frozen. New leaves will shoot from the growing point under ground and these plants were not really affected by the frost. The other corn plant saw more damage from the frost. However, with the growing point safely underground it will grow back. The new corn leaf will have to push through the dead necrotic tissue killed by the frost.

A very small percentage of the corn plants for whatever reason will not be able to push through the dead tissue. One agronomist with about 30 years of experience told me he has never seen a frost when a few corn plants are not able to recover. But, this frost should have a very small impact on the final yield!


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