Faribault Fire Department Hosting Farm Safety Seminar
The University of Minnesota Extension Service, Faribault Fire Department and Community Coop in Faribault will be hosting a farm safety refresher March 16, 2022. This will be held at the Faribault Fire Department located at 122, 2nd St. NW in Faribault. The safety refresher will be from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. The program is free and includes lunch but please pre-register with Claire LaCanne at the Rice and Steele County Extension office so they can plan for a meal count.
University of Minnesota Extension Educators and Faribault Fire Department First Responders will cover the topics of grain bin safety, manure pit gas safety, silo gas, and general farm first aid reminders. Special thanks to Kelly at Community Coop for applying for and receiving the CHS Seeds for Stewardship grant. Those that attend the farm safety refresher can receive free personal protective equipment, first aid materials and even gas monitors if they have a need for them! The Farm Safety Refresher and the safety equipment was funded with the support of the CHS Seeds for Steward grant!
More information is available on the website: z.umn.edu/FarmSafetySeminar, you can call Claire LaCanne at the Rice and Steele County Extension Office, 507-330-0447 or email Claire at: lacanne@umn.edu. You can pre-register on the website or with Claire LaCanne.
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