Faribault City Council Vacancy is Announced
Kevin Voracek, Faribault Mayor told KDHL listeners during the morning news Wednesday, January 11, 2023 that Council Member Jonathan Wood has submitted his resignation to City Hall.
Here is a edited version of Voracek giving details about the Council and Work Session.
Here is the Notice of City Council Vacancy for those interested in serving the remainder of Wood's term which expires January 5, 2025.
The City is seeking letters of interesyt from eligible residents that wish to be considered for appointment to the seat.
Qualifications include:
- Qualified voter of the City of Faribault
- At least 21 years of age
- A resident of the city for at least the last 30 days.
Letters (email is acceptable) shall include an explanation of why the resident is interested in serving on the City Council, and the reasons they believe they would be an effective leader.
Letters of interest are to be submitted to the City Administrator at City Hall no later than 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 26, 2023.
Questions may be directed to the City Administrator, Tim Murray at 507-333-0355 or tmurray@ci.faribault.mn.us.
I contacted Faribault Planning Commission member and County Commissioner candidate Samuel Temple to see if he was interested.
Temple is "contemplating submitting an application."