Crop Pest Management Short Course
The annual Crop Pest Management Short Course is coming up Tuesday December 11-through Thursday, December 13, 2018 at the Minneapolis Convention Center. It is hosted by the Minnesota Crop Production Retailers Association (MCPR) and the University of Minnesota Extension Service. The theme of this years Short Course General Session is "Taking Control." Quality research-based presentations will focus on steps you can take to build resiliency in your cropping systems.
There will be a number of concurrent sessions including topics on pest. crop and fertilizer management topics. The Short Course is geared toward agronomists, crop consultants, crop production specialists, farm managers, those selling seed, crop protection products and fertilizer plus anyone else interested in high quality research based professional training.
General administration for the CPM Short Course is $205. Registration is through the Minnesota Crop Production Retailers. For more information you can also contact Extension Educator at the Farmington Regional office Dave Nicolai at 651-480-7706.