
Late last week when I was at the Crop Fertilizer and Pesticide Short Course I talked with University Of Minnesota Agricultural Climatologist Mark Seeley Ph.D. I learned that Mark was going to retire in February. In fact Mark thought it was fitting for the Agricultural Climatologist to retire on Ground Hog Day. Mark has been with the University of Minnesota  for 40 years. In addition I found out that he grew up in California and was going to be a lawyer.

While a young man planning on going to law school Mark became a weather observer. Mark became so infatuated with the weather he thought twice about law school. So, it was back to school on a "do over" this time with a major in Atmosphere Science. After a job with DeKalb Seed it was back to school again earning a Ph.D. in Climate Science specializing in Agriculture.

It was interesting that Mark's family had roots in KDHL's listening area being third generation farmers in Wabasha County. Over the 23 years I have been at KDHL I have called Mark many times when we experienced unusual weather. I am happy to say when I saw Mark last week he looked great and is in good health. Thank You Mark for all the questions you answered about the weather and enjoy your retirement!

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