The team at has revealed the most common last names by state? Any guesses as to what last name is #1 in Minnesota?

Smith, Johnson, Miller, Jones, Williams, and Anderson make up most of the most common surnames all across the country.

Most Common Surname By State

Alabama:  Smith, Williams, Johnson
Alaska:  Smith, Johnson, Williams
Arizona:  Smith Johnson Garcia
Arkansas:  Smith, Williams, Johnson
California:  Garcia, Hernandez, Lopez
Colorado:  Smith, Johnson, Martinez
Connecticut:  Smith, Johnson, Brown
Delaware:  Smith, Johnson, Brown
Florida:  Smith, Williams, Johnson
Georgia:  Smith, Williams. Johnson
Hawaii:  Lee, Wong, Kim
Idaho:  Smith, Johnson, Anderson
Illinois:  Smith, Johnson, Williams
Indiana:  Smith, Miller, Johnson

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Iowa:  Smith, Williams, Johnson
Kansas:  Smith, Johnson, Miller
Kentucky:  Smith, Johnson, Jones
Louisiana:  Williams, Smith, Johnson
Maine:  Smith, Brown, Johnson
Maryland:  Smith, Johnson, Jones
Massachusetts:  Smith, Johnson, Sullivan
Michigan:  Smith, Johnson, Williams
Minnesota:  Johnson, Anderson, Nelson
Mississippi:  Smith, Williams, Johnson
Missouri:  Smith, Johnson, Williams
Montana:  Smith, Johnson, Anderson
Nebraska:  Johnson, Smith, Miller
Nevada:  Smith, Johnson, Garcia
New Hampshire:  Smith, Brown, Johnson
New Jersey:  Smith, Williams, Johnson
New Mexico:  Martinez, Garcia, Chavez
New York:  Smith, Williams, Brown
North Carolina:  Smith, Williams, Johnson
North Dakota:  Johnson, Anderson, Olson
Ohio:  Smith, Miller, Johnson
Oklahoma:  Smith, Johnson, Williams
Oregon:  Smith, Johnson, Miller
Pennsylvania:  Smith, Miller, Williams
Rhode Island:  Smith, Brown, Johnson
South Carolina:  Smith, Williams, Brown
South Dakota:  Johnson, Anderson, Smith
Tennessee:  Smith, Johnson, Jones
Texas:  Garcia, Smith, Martinez
Utah:  Smith, Johnson, Anderson
Vermont:  Smith, Brown, Johnson
Virginia:  Smith, Johnson, Jones
Washington:  Smith, Johnson, Anderson
West Virginia:  Smith, Miller, Johnson
Wisconsin:  Johnson, Smith, Anderson
Wyoming:  Smith, Johnson, Miller

You can find more about your own last name, you can search for its meaning and origins at

18 Things That You Shouldn't Say at the Thanksgiving Table

Ah, Thanksgiving! When families come together all over Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Illinois to give thanks and eat a whole bunch of food. It's usually all fun and smiles unless that ONE family member who has no filter decides to show up. You just never know what they will say and unfortunately, that's the problem! To help alleviate any unnecessary drama this year, just text your family member that causes issues with their mouth and pass along this list of "Things NOT to Say at the Thanksgiving Table".

Gallery Credit: Jessica On The Radio

13 Things You Need to Get for a Minnesota Winter Before it's Too Late

Whether you need a reminder of the items you'll want to have on hand for when the snow flies or if you're new to this whole thing, these are items you'll want to have to survive a Minnesota winter.

Gallery Credit: Carly Ross

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