Brad Carlson Receives Award at MN Ag Expo
Brad Carlson Education Educator at the Mankato Regional Extension office received the Friend of Agriculture Award from the Minnesota Corn Growers Association at the MN Ag Expo. Before receiving a regional appointment Brad was the Extension Educator in Rice and Steele counties for many years. The plaque says "The Friend of Agriculture Award Presented to Brad Carlson For Dedicated Service to the Minnesota Corn Growers Association." Congratulations Brad! It was well deserved.
When Brad was in Rice and Steele counties he worked with all areas of production agriculture. With the regional appointment Brad now specializes in water quality and nitrogen. He developed the Nitrogen Smart program that was funded by the Minnesota Corn Growers. Nitrogen Smart is a couple hour training session to educate farmers on how nitrogen reacts in the soil and how to better manage it. You need to do everything you can to make sure the nitrogen is in the soil when the corn plants need it and not lost through the tile lines. Learning how to better manage nitrogen means farmers are more profitable and more environmentally friendly.