Blue Jackets-Bright Future Program
Would you like to something special today? The question relates to a project of the Minnesota FFA Foundation called Blue Jackets-Bright Future program. With about 40 percent of FFA members economically disadvantaged, the FFA Foundation is working to assist FFA members in acquiring a blue FFA jacket. Potential FFA members may not join the FFA if families cannot the afford the "official dress" of the FFA, a blue Jacket.
Sponsorship of a blue jacket is only $85. For that small amount you can start a student on a path of "premier leadership, personal growth and career success" in the FFA. While the FFA is a national youth organization in the United States there are almost 11,000 FFA members in Minnesota alone. The Minnesota FFA Foundation is requesting you consider sponsoring a blue jacket by Sunday October 15, 2017. Here is the link that will take you to the Minnesota FFA Foundation web site