Be Cautious With Soybean Seed and Herbicide Decisions
Earlier this week I received a new release from the Minnesota Soybean Research and Promotion Council's Research Director David Kee about farmers needing to be cautious when planting Liberty Link GT27 soybeans. Bayer Crop Science and MS Technologies announce the release and licensing of the LLGT27 technology in July. Right now LLGT27 soybeans are labeled for and tolerant to the herbicides Liberty and Round-Up. Here is where it gets complicated, LLGT27 have tolerance to one HPPD herbicide but it is not labeled for use yet!
With the merger of Bayer and Monsanto this technology was sold to BASF. There are a number of herbicides in the HPPD class, Balance, Callisto and Laudis. However, LLGT27 is only tolerant to one of these, Balance. BASF expects EPA approval for Balance late in December. "Other HPPD compounds could produce significant damage to LLGT27 soybeans." Until the EPA registers Balance "it is illegal to use products containing HPPD with LLGT27 soybeans."
Even after the EPA approves this technology it will still have to be approved by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture for use in Minnesota. So, be sure to work closely with the seed company, your agronomist, know what is approved and what herbicides to use. Remember, Always read and follow label directions!