Rice County Arbor Day Tree & Shrub Giveaway Friday
The Rice County Master Gardeners will be holding their annual Arbor Day Tree & Shrub giveaway Friday, April 29, 2022, at the Rice County Fairgrounds in Faribault.
The Arbor Day Tree and Shrub giveaway will be a drive-through past the open shed area so follow the signs! If I remember correctly it was canceled in 2020 because of the pandemic and last year the drive-through format like this year was implemented.
The Rice County Master Gardeners will be giving away bare root stock from 3:30 to 5:30 or until they run out of trees and shrubs. So, for the best selection get there early.
Species available at the 2022 Rice County Arbor Day Tree & Shrub Giveaway in Faribault include:
Sugar Maples
Red Splendor Crabapple
Black Chokecherry
Common Ninebark
The Rice County Master Gardeners will be available to give advice and instructions on how to plant and care for your trees and shrubs.