[Listen] AM Minnesota New U of M Weed Scientist Debalin Sarangi
Special thank you to Claire LaCanne Extension Educator in Rice and Steele County for helping set up today's AM Minnesota Program and also helping host it. Our guest was the new Weed Scientist at the University of Minnesota Debalin Sarangi. Debalin is Assistant Professor in Weed Science at the University of Minnesota St Paul Campus and also has an Extension appointment with responsibilities for all of Minnesota. Talking with Debalin after only 10 minutes I knew his background and experience was exactly what we need in Minnesota.
Debalin earned his PhD at the University of Nebraska Lincoln. He spent about one year in Texas doing research and also spent about a year in Wyoming. He has a lot of experience with waterhemp. I think almost every farmer would say that is their toughest challenge is controlling waterhemp. Another weed that has been described as waterhemp on steroids is Palmer Amaranth. It has been found in Minnesota but hopefully eradicated. However, it is probably just a matter of time before it is found again.
The key will be to not let Palmer Amaranth become established in Minnesota like the states South of Minnesota. The point is Debalin has experience with Palmer Amaranth and also has done a lot of work on weeds and herbicide resistance. Click on the link above and listen to today's AM Minnesota Program with Debalin and Claire. In the picture is a weed scientist with a Palmer Amaranth plant at a weed workshop in Missouri.
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