2019 University of Minnesota Variety Trials Published
The University of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station and the College of Food Agricultural and Natural Resources Sciences has published the 2019 Field Trials Bulletin. The publication includes variety trials for 11 different crops including red clover. It is available online at the University of Minnesota Extension Crops website. There is also a link available on the Southern research and Outreach Center at Waseca website.
Farmer's Seed Company representatives begin talking to them about booking corn hybrids and soybean varieties for the next year as soon as harvest is finished. They have very good cash and early season discounts available. Plus, farmers are assured of getting the corn hybrids soybean varieties they want. Farmers value the unbiased University of Minnesota variety trial results and often ask why does it take so long to get them published?
I too have asked that question and was told researchers get the results published as soon as possible. However, it takes some time to do the statistical analysis of all the yield plot results. It does help that most seed companies this early in the season will allow you to swap corn hybrids or soybean varieties and still preserve the discounts. The only adjustment would be if the cost of the hybrid or soybean variety was different than the ones that were booked.