2018 MN Firearms Season Harvest Falls Short Of 2017
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is reporting that fewer deer were harvested last year during the first two weekends of the firearms season when compared to this year.
A total of 132,633 deer were taken through November 11th compared to 2017 when 146,537 deer were taken.
The Minnesota DNR is also reporting that more bucks were harvested last year, with 79,077 harvested in 2017 and 71,763 in 2018.
In zones 300 and 603, which cover most of Southeast Minnesota, the numbers were close to the same. 8,802 deer were harvested in 2017, while 2018 came in a little lower at 8,776.
The firearms season is over for much of the state except some specific zones, and the muzzleloader season starts November 24th.