$2,000 Stimulus Checks – When Will They Be Approved? When Will They Be Sent Out?
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said he will work to get Americans $2,000 stimulus checks as soon as possible. Schumer said, "One of the first things that I want to do when our new senators are seated is to deliver the $2,000 checks to the American families.” President-Elect Joe Biden has previously tweeted support for more stimulus money. Biden tweeted, "The debate over $2,000 isn’t some abstract debate in Washington. It’s about real lives. Hardworking Americans need help, and they need it now."
It's important to note that a new stimulus package hasn't been approved yet. However, Jon Ossoff, the newly elected Senator from Georgia, says it will be the new Senate's first priority. He told WGXA-TV “This new Senate that is going to take office this weekend will pass the legislation early next week. We will get the checks in the mail and relief coming.”
CBS News interviewed financial analysts that predict the next round of checks won't be sent until March. Their report explains, "That's because the most recent relief measure extended unemployment programs until mid-March, which puts pressure on Congress to act on additional financial support by that cutoff to continue jobless benefits for millions of unemployed Americans."
It's not clear if Congress would seek $2,000 or $1,400 to go along with the $600 that has already been sent out. (If you haven't received your stimulus check this year - you can track where it's at here.)
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